I was tasked with creating a toy for a child aged 5-7. I wanted there to be a somewhat educational aspect to the toy, as well as having it be fun. Some of the other aspects I was considering were, having it be relatively eco-friendly, be modular, as well based in fantasy and nature.
The concept I went with was to create an elven treehouse. I wanted to get kids stoked on nature, so that they would be compelled to want to protect and conserve it as they grow into adults. Despite this being primarily and indoor toy, I think that having toys that are designed after the natural world will help grow a sense of respect for it, beginning at a young age. The fact that many aspects of this toy are recyclable help with this too.
Each piece of the toy is able to fit inside the trunk, for easy storage and less waste.
The toy is completely customizable, there are many different combinations of branches and platforms the children can use to create their elven treehouse. The branch pieces are modular, and the leaves have velcro on the backs of them, so you are able to stick them anywhere on the trunk or branches.
All of the tree pieces are made out of cardboard, which are then covered in felt. The rolled up cardboard helps to give the branches the look of cut logs. All of the extra pieces are made out of felt except for the bridge, which was made out of wood and yarn. When disposing of the toy, an adult can peel the felt off of the cardboard, and then recycle the cardboard. Al of the wood used can also be recycled. The felt may also be used for other crafts, like felting.
It was really important to me to create packaging that was as eco-friendly as possible. I wanted to create something that could be used instead of thrown out right away, especially since my toy is it’s own storage container. My solution to this was a cloth wrapping and a small paper sleeve. The paper sleeve is recyclable, while the cloth wrapping is actually a cloak the child can wear while playing with the elven tree house, to help immerse themselves in the experience. As the child gets older, the cape could be handed down to another child, or the fabric could be used for another project. Alternately, a cape made from hemp would be biodegradable.