My name is Vanessa! I’m an animator and illustrator, from the mysterious Hamilton, Ontario. My main focuses are animating, lighting, compositing, comics (and other book illustrations), and, storyboarding. I’m also a tamer of a small, yet ferocious beast (my cat), and like to spend my time with friends, watching cartoons or playing music.
I have graduated from Sheridan College’s Post-Graduate Animation Program and am excited to enter the industry! I got the opportunity to work on a variety of self directed projects under the guide of compassionate and enthusiastic mentors. At OCADU I studied Illustration and English, with a focus on women’s rights within the music industry, for my final thesis.
Feel free to shoot me a message on Instagram, or send me an email! If I’m not busy, I’m always up for collaboration too!
Stay tuned!
Pancakes and Booze Toronto (2018, 2019)
GradEx 105 (online 2020)