
This piece is a part of a collection of 10 artworks, for my thesis, about the misogyny women face in the music industry. It was created in response to top lists, specifically a list of 100 best guitar players ever, which only included 2 women. 

I started it off by sanding down my guitar with a very course sandpaper, to rough up the varnish and get the paint to stick to it better. After that I gave it four (because I was nervous) generous coats of gesso!


I painted it using gouache so it would match the rest of my thesis works, but also because I loved the vibrance and flatness of the colours. My next step, since I’m sure that I’m not making any more changes, is to cover the entire body and head in a gouache safe varnish. Not only does this help seal and protect the artwork (since gouache may be prone to scratches) but it helps give the finished piece an overall professional quality.


Painting on an object was a new experience for me, and I’m really happy with how this project turned out! I’m hoping to do more of this in the future!